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  • 08-05-2020
    1.RUBBER MIXINGThe first step in the tire manufacturing process is the mixing of raw materials—rubber, carbon black, sulfur, and other materials—to form the rubber compound. Railcars deliver large quantities of natural and synthetic rubber, carbon black, sulfur, and other chemicals and oils, all of
  • 07-28-2020
    TANCO STATAMENT According to customer feedback, TANCO Team recently discovered that some unscrupulous individuals have pretended to be TANCO company and made contracts for customers at very low prices, defrauding customers to make payments. Here, our company solemnly declares that each of our tires
  • 07-23-2020
    Why TANCO Tire loaded at night?
  • 07-21-2020
    Fuel efficiency and tread mileage go hand in hand. By following these five easy steps, you can improve your tread life as well as your fuel economy.1. Keep tires properly inflated all the timeBelieve it or not, truck fleets don’t do a great job of maintaining proper inflation pressure.
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 Timax tire, Chinese tire, Chinese tires, Chinese truck tire, Chinese truck tires, China tyre, China tyres, China truck tyre, China truck tyres, Car tire, Car tyre, tire factory, tyre factory